Monday, October 14, 2013

I Luv Room Temperature Soaping!

Now that fall is here I can get out all my animal print clothes, scarfs, and accessories!  Since  in my teens animal prints have always been my favorite wardrobe  picks so why not in my soaping!

 This is my first attempt at the Tiger Stripe but not my last!
   I used Bergamot & Mandarin from Wholesale Supplies Plus. It was a dream to work with and smells amazing! 

My next soap is also a first attempt at the Leopard Spot.  I was not as happy with this time I will make the spots a little more defined.  But I was extremely happy with the scent....Black Raspberry Vanilla also from WSP.  Nice and strong also and very easy to work with.
Both of these soaps were done with the room temperature method.  After measuring out all my oils and getting everything ready I mixed my lye last then after it was clear I pored it into the hard oils and butters to melt them.  After the oils and butters were melted I added my liquid oils and brought the mixture to a light trace then added my coconut milk and fragrance. I then separated the batch for coloring.  NO CHECKING TEMPERATURES!   This was so easy and I don't think I will ever go back to the old way. 
There is a great tutorial on this method at Soap Making Essentials with wonderful instructions and photos.
Have a Wonderful Week Soaping!


  1. I do this method as well! It's also good for when I'm doing demonstrations or classes and I have no access to heat to melt the oils...
    Don't you love how easy this method is? This is how I taught myself how to do lye soap making and it was such a gentle way to get started. I would read about temps and cracking and gelling and get totally flustered. Room temperature made it easy to learn.
    I still do it and love it!

  2. Gorgeous soaps, Gloria! I love the Tiger Stripe technique, too, and your Leopard Spot soap turned out beautifully! I've never tried RT soaping before. Maybe I should give it a try someday!

  3. Love those animal prints Gloria...beautiful soaps! I've only ever done RT soaping too (although I do melt my hard oils to avoid stearic spots), I find it so much easier!

  4. What a wonderful blog Gloria! Your soaps are gorgeous! I have to try RT method someday, waiting for lye to cool down is really annoying

  5. I just found you and all I can say is WOW. I'm brand new and haven't even made soap before. I'm trying to get supplies together. :)
    I subbed to your blog. AWESOME,
    Susie in northern NY

    1. You will love soap making! Beware it is addicting!!!
      If you need any help or have questions you can email me. One of the best scources for soaping is on utube.....Soaping101, I watch every video Cathy McGinnis makes.

      Good Luck!

  6. Hey There!
    You have a great blog... I have soaped for years.... more than twenty, and only recently did I discover room temp soaping... I will never go back to regular cold process. NEVER.
    I played around with different techniques, and quite honestly hated hot process, unless I was going for a specific purpose, like laundry soap where looks don't matter and I wanted it NOW.
    Soooo, it was always the hours of cold process. Then I discovered RTM, with all that extra workability time, no cost of power usage, and general speediness. YAY. The only power used is my arm and a whisk. Also YAY.
    Honestly, it's the single most useful method / information I have ever been the lucky recipient of in my life. Bless the internet, and all you fantastic people who get the info out there.
    Best Regards,


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